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MAY 08, 2015   



Toronto City Hall, committee room N# 2, second floor

The meeting is called for 6:00 pm.

1. Welcome Remarks by the Chair: 6:00

2.-A call to order by the Chair

3.- Agenda of the Day: 6:05

3a.- Minutes:6:07


THE HON. CHARLES SOUSA, Minister of Finance Ontario: 6:30

Q & A Period from the members: 7:10

Picture taking time one by one with the leader: 7:40

Break Coffee and Pastries will be served by the organization: 8:00

Report By the President: 8:15 TO 9:00

4.- Report by the President: 8:15

Questions period: 8:25

City Hall Exhibition from May the 3rd to May 10th, 2015
5. - New Business (Motions): 8:35
5a- Candidates for Awards: 8:40
6.- New Members: 8:41

8.- Adjournment: 9:30

If you have any problem entering the building, please call my cell

At 416- 996 4229 or Maria.

This month’s meeting is taking place to committee room N# 2,

Second Floor, TORONTO CITY HALL. For Parking go to bay street entrance of the basement of the City Hall , to Register Parking and push the bottom for the security and ask the Security to allow you to enter the City parking.