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FEBRUARY 03, 2015



Toronto City Hall, committee room N# 4, second floor

The meeting is called for 6:00 pm.

1.Welcome Remarks by the Chair: 6:00

2.-A call to order by the Chair

3.- Agenda of the Day 6:05

3a.-Minutes 6:07


Presentations: Hon. Tom Mulcair Leader of the Official Opposition 6:30


A presentation of two hours including questions period and photos with members.


4. - Report by the President -8:30

Questions period

5. - New Business (Motions) 9:00

5a- Candidates for Elections and Awards

6.-New Members

7.-Community ReportĀ 9:20

8. - Adjournment.9:30


If you have any problem entering the building, please call my cell : 416- 996 4229 or Maria.

This month’s meeting is taking place to committee room N# 4,

Second Floor, Toronto City Hall. For Parking go to Elizabeth street at the back of City hall and ask the Security to allow you to enter the City parking.

The Next meeting is scheduled for Monday March 09, 2015.