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Office of the President

SEPTEMBER 02, 2015

A call for our monthly meeting for

Monday SEPTEMBER 14, 2015

Please be advised that our monthly meeting for SEPTEMBER, 2015, is called as planned for Monday SEPTEMBER 14, 2015. The meeting is called from 6:00 pm to 9:30 at committee room N#2, second floor, TORONTO CITY HALL, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto On. At this point please allow me to inform you that our main speaker is going to be The Hon. Justin Trudeau, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada.

To this extend please notify my office as soon as possible of your intensions to attend and how many person are attending from your organization. I will make parking arrangements with the security of the Toronto City Hall.
In order to accommodate you I need to know if you attend or not. If you have any problems entering the building please call me on my cell 416- 996 4229 or Maria Voutsinas.
I am looking forward to welcome you to our meeting.
Thank you,
Thomas S. Saras