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A Statement

I have no questions about the sick phycology of the gunmen who took their “divine hate” to offices of the “Charlie Hebdo” magazine in Paris, French, killing at least 12 individuals, most of them workers of the media.
Fanaticism and hatred are the most known causes of such an act of religious zealousness and fanaticism against humanity. Against peace loving servants of the information of the public.
For this reason I want to express my personal anger and the same of my colleagues for this barbaric act against unarmed citizens, in order to express their inhuman grievances.
The members of the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada, feel that this kind of murderous behavior by any group or individual, in the name of any religion, is totally unacceptable by any reasons and measurements, it is a horrifying act and a tragedy against the common sense.
This is the reason that today’s event is holding us up together in solidarity with the international community of journalists as we stand united, mourning as one person, in defense of free expression.

Thomas S. Saras

President and CEO NEPMCC